Sunday, January 27, 2013

Elimination Diet, Day 9

So today I did it. I ate tons of dehydrated bananas. TONS. I dehydrated three of them, and I got better at dehydrating the more I did it. :) (I only ate them in the morning though, until I could gauge whether I'm sensitive to them or not.) And the verdict is in...I'M NOT. I'm also not sensitive to chicken, which I ate the heck out of yesterday.

As for my weight--today I weighed 111.8 (morning) and 111.0 (evening). I'm thinking the decrease in weight over the day is probably because I hit the gym so hard this afternoon. :) It was a legs day, which means I worked my pahookus off and burned some serious calories. I think today's workout  was a lot easier, since I had some protein in my belly (I ate some chicken before I went) and since I had the promise of brown rice for dinner tonight. I'm reeealllly hoping I'm not sensitive to rice, because I lurve it. It would be a sad day if I could no longer eat it.

Here is my chart from the gym today:

Today also kinda sucked, even though I was in food bliss. I had a falling out with my boyfriend, and it made me feel horrible. Here's to hoping tomorrow is a better day! I figure my butt is gonna throb like a sore tooth in the morning, which means I'm going to have to give my arms a great workout to go with it.

Tomorrow, I've got to go to the grocery store, since my dad forgot to get my dogs their food, and I also need to pick up some apples (I've been eating them frequently), some more nuts, and some more bananas. I reckon I'll dehydrate TONS just to keep around for when I need something crunchy. One good thing I can say about this diet is it is teaching me how to do new things in the kitchen--first roasting a chicken, then using the oven as a dehydrator! I don't know what's next, but I don't think I'll mind a bit. :)

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