Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Elimination Diet, Day 12 (or, the day I'm putting the ED on hold for 24 hrs)

Yesterday I consumed milk, and today I woke up weighing 0.2 pounds heavier than my weigh-in yesterday morning. That doesn't sound like a lot, but I weighed the same for three days in a row and therefore am taking it as a sign of a sensitivity to milk. Well, that and the fact that my stomach felt like the cauldron from the opening scene of the Scottish play. This evening, I weighed in at 112.6 (I'll confess that I broke and had two pizza rolls, but only after I decided to take today off.....reason next). Onto my rationale, I decided that since I'm going to have to take a day or so to recover from my food sensitivity, I was going to take the night off and go to dinner with my boyfriend, who happens to be in town.

We're not going anywhere crazy--just a local steakhouse. I chose this location because I figure the ingredients are pretty apparent--I'm getting a steak (beef + salt), a potato (butter + potato, lol), and a salad (iceburg + dressing). (I was also "bad" and ate two pizza rolls.) Then tonight/tomorrow, I'm going to take the mixture of potassium bicarbonate + baking soda, and wait for my system to normalize (and eat a whole lotta chicken and rice...YEYAH). I really can't even be sad, because I figured I had a sensitivity to dairy, and I've mostly been ignoring the possibility. However, after being off dairy for so long, I didn't realize how TIRED it made me, and how bad it made my stomach hurt. After I introduce soy into my diet, if I'm not sensitive to that, I'll probably start trying to get used to soy milk as a suitable replacement. (I'm going to guess that it's NOTHING like cow's milk, however.)

Didn't go to the gym yesterday due to some serious lactic acid buildup in the ole muscles, but went today and hit it hard! :)

I focused mainly on lower back, and some shoulders/delts. Other than that, today has been largely unproductive. I started my asthma medicines, and I'm hoping to note a difference in the next few days.

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