Sunday, January 20, 2013

Elimination Diet, Day 1

Yesterday (1/20/2013) I started the elimination diet. This consisted of me taking two tablespoons of Epsom salts and only eating foods off the recommended 40 list. The Epsom salts function as a laxative to "eliminate" everything else bad you've had up until the time you started the diet, and BOY HOWDY, DOES IT. I was miserable all day yesterday, sprinting to the toilet, and my workout *really* suffered because I was so dehydrated. At one point, my legs felt weak because I had literally just expelled all the water from my body. Even though I tried to rehydrate, there simply isn't enough water in the world to counteract the disgusting way Epsom salts work on your body.

The night before I began the ED, I weighed in at 118.8. I'm not gonna lie. Those numbers broke my heart. It's really what galvanized my ass into action, when I am being completely honest. The next day, I measured myself in the morning and weighed in just above 117 (I guess that's my "resting weight") and by yesterday evening, I was down to 115.6. I lost 3.2 pounds of water weight in one day. That's a LOT of effing water.

So what did I eat yesterday? I had an apple for breakfast, then I soaked and simmered lentils for lunch. The great thing about the first seven days of this "diet" is that you can have AS MUCH OF THE FOODS ON THE LIST AS YOU WANT. The difficult thing is the only thing you can season with is pure sea salt and olive oil. Luckily, lentils taste awesome with salt on them, and I had two bowls. Following this, I went to the gym, then to the grocery store to stock up on some more food that was on the "good" list. I came back home with a lamb chop, a bag of cod, a fresh pineapple, some fresh apples, some pistachios, and some walnuts. For dinner I had the lamb, which sucked. I am no master chef, and salt is NOT enough for lamb. I followed it up with some pineapple.

At the end of the night, as I said before, I weighed 115.6. This morning, on day two of the diet, I weighed 114.4. Weird.

Overall and honestly, as far as my reflections for the first day go: it was miserable. My body was hungry, I took a nap because I was so tired, my stomach hurt due to the Epsom salts, and I was irritable for all the above reasons. However, my stomach never actually felt hungry (I just knew my body was). The foods aren't all too bad, and after I figure out how to cook everything, I'm sure it will be better. I'd love to find some raw cashews, because I can cook with those easily!

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