Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Elimination Diet, playing catch-up

I know I didn't blog yesterday, but I have lots to talk about and report today. :) My recent weights have been:

2/04: 111.8 (M); 111.8 (E).................Introduced coffee and lemons
2/05: 111.2 (M); 112.4 (E).................Introduced eggs and melons
2/06: 110.6 (M)

Although I didn't have a weight gain after coffee, it inspired diarrhea and general stomach discomfiture, but since I rarely drink it anyway, I don't really care all that much. I am going to chalk caffeine (including tea) up as a failure for my body to process, and going to work on avoiding it in the future. However, I have to admit....introducing eggs was HEAVENLY. I'm an eggs kinda girl--I can eat them just about any time, and I always have them on hand. I love them for their protein, and like eating them right before the gym for a bit of an added boost.

Yesterday, I actually counted all my calories for my food intake, and I worked hard at eating at "recognized" meal times, although I did snack throughout the day too. My calories and food eaten looked like this:

As you can see, I had four (!!!) servings of fruit: two apples, a cup of watermelon, and a handful of grapes. I also ate the hell out of brown rice yesterday, and exceeded my allotted calories of the day...and STILL lost weight. Although I'm on the "lower" end of the carb spectrum, I'm certainly on no Atkins diet, and my protein intake was good, although not great (I really want to get it up to about 100 grams of protein a day). My fat intake exceeded the limits, but I find myself embracing these "good fats." One thing about the book whose diet I'm following is that it does not lecture against eating fats. That's not to say you should only eat fried food all the time, but definitely makes a logical argument in favor of healthy ones. Dr. Mansfield makes the point that people have ALWAYS eaten fats (particularly animal fats), but just began to get obese within the past 100 years, and he pinpoints that to the recent addition of refined grains and sugar to the diet.

I also drank nine (!!!!) glasses of water yesterday, which I think is easier because I've been adding fresh lemon to it to give it a bit of a zing. After only sea salt for seasoning, I have discovered my mouth and body are really appreciating any type of strong flavor, and I'm working on bringing out the natural flavors of food I'm cooking with more and more.

I also hit the gym yesterday, and incorporated the 20 minute yoga video I found on youtube into my initial stretching. It's such a nice video--it was filmed on a beach, and it flows from one pose to another with maximum description so you don't have to constantly check her form. The commentator also has a nice voice, with no obvious accent (which I find soothing). I think the yoga helped warm my muscles up more than I normally do just by stretching, and I was able to get in a GREAT workout in an hour and a half, including the 20 minutes of yoga. My workout yesterday looked like this (I focused on calves and triceps while lifting weights):

If you have any questions about my workout, or would like to see demonstrations of anything, please let me know and I'll make a concerted effort to do so.

Ultimately, I am extremely proud of yesterday, because I really feel like I did so much right--I ate tons of fruits, I was able to work out in an effective manner, I actually drank OVER my allotted ounces of water (this is a big deal for me), and I actively monitored my calories. I'm still slightly shocked that the scale read 110.6 this morning, but I'll take it! Today I'm supposed to be introducing beef, so I will have to get on that quickly--I hate waiting for dinner, and you have to space things out by at least 9 hours (which sucks). Since I'm only introducing yeast tonight, however, I may eat beef in an hour or so.

Hope you're having a GREAT day! :)

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