Sunday, April 12, 2015

I'm baaaaaaaaaack

I've not used this blog in a while, and man are things different. I'm currently working full time as an ELA and Social Studies teacher, and I absolutely love it. I'm also taking ANOTHER bar examination this summer (because, hey, why not?).

I've decided to revive this blog for a number of reasons--namely, I'm back to losing weight. I maintained for such a long time that I didn't need to come back to this blog, but one year ago, I had a huge life changing event occur--I broke my foot. I broke it so badly that I had to have a plate put it in that evening, spent three months in a wheelchair, and then spent several more months undergoing rehab. It still gives me trouble, though I'm back on it. The trouble stems from me eating like I was still working out, and that got me up to approximately 125ish pounds. So now I'm back. I've gone back to the elimination diet because it worked so well for me last time, and because I could eat as many of the safe foods as I liked, and because I tracked all the foods I could still eat, which means I didn't have to suffer for the first week like I did the first time around.

Thus far, it's been going pretty well. Here are my stats for the past few days:

You can see I broke it on Saturday night (though not terribly), but I'm back to it. Tonight, for example, I had blackened chicken, steamed green beans, and a baked sweet potato. I also went to the gym tonight, where I worked out on the AMT (15 min/180 calories) and did weights (arms/shoulders), which looked like this:

Time for bed, but keep looking for updates.

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